HCMUD 391 residents, the repairs have been completed on Arcadia Cove Ct. and service has been restored.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors would like to remind residents to lock their vehicles, take valuables out of the car, and hide valuables out of sight.
Update: HCMUD 391 Residents: The emergency sewer line repair on Edison Light Trail has been completed.
When water freezes, it expands and sometimes leaves behind broken pipes and costly bills regarding the lost water.
How do you winterize your home? Protecting your home can be as easy as remembering the Five P’s for the winter. People, Pets, Pipes, Plants, and Pool.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors would like to inform residents on how property taxes are calculated in Texas.
Did you know? As a resident of Harris County Municipal Utility District 391, you have access to free vacation watches by Harris County Precinct 4.
F.O.G. is an acronym for Fat, Oil and Grease. It is harmful to the internal drainage inside the home, Harris County MUD 391’s drainage infrastructure and the environment.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors would like residents to be mindful and watch for runners during the Cypress Half-Marathon taking place on Sunday, November 10, 2024.
Many toilet paper alternatives such as “flushable wipes”, wet wipes, sanitary napkins, and even paper towels cannot safely be flushed down the toilet.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Have you ever wondered where the storm drains lead? Or where the detergent goes that runs down the driveway after you wash your car?
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
We all know in the summer months bills can increase due to the amount of water usage increasing and the temperatures outdoors rising. Here are some tips to keep your water bill lower during the summer months:
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Board of Directors for Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) would like to advise residents to use caution and be aware of tailgate thefts in the area.
Harris County is continuing to respond for debris removal in the area. During this time we ask that residents be vigilant in reporting any large debris to the county for removal.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Best Trash will replace any containers that are defective or otherwise become unusable due to normal wear and tear upon request.
Due to hurricane Baryl, Best Trash is halting services for safety of employees on Monday, July 8, 2024. Regular trash services will continue Thursday, July 11, 2024. This will include recycling pickup as well.
Was your property damaged during the April or May storms? If so, you may be able to claim temporary disaster exemptions that can reduce your 2024 taxes.
Though awe-inspiring, fireworks can also be dangerous if not handled properly. It is important to use caution while enjoying this festivity.
Jugging is a term used to describe a form of scam or fraud in which individuals are targeted and robbed after leaving a bank or ATM.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Hurricane Season officially begins June 1 and last through November 30. Unfortunately, this close to the Gulf of Mexico, it only takes one storm to change your life and community.
Harris County Precinct 3 residents need to know to call in debris removal requests to the DEBRIS RESPONSE hotline at 713-274-3880.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Board of Directors for Harris County Municipal Utility District 391 is pleased to announce an increase in resident homesteads to $65,000 of individuals who are sixty-five (65) years of age or older, or who are disabled.
How does it work? We use a system called “Air Scouring” to clean the mains. This system is faster and results in less disruption than other methods…
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Water conservation is not just for the heat of the summer. In Texas, our communities can benefit from conservation of water resources year-round. This article talks about the top ten ways to conserve water in your home and garden.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
There is a leak in our neighborhood’s water system that needs to be repaired immediately. In order to proceed safely, it is necessary to cut off water service to Serrano Gap Ct.
Have you ever wondered where the storm drains lead? Or where the detergent goes that runs down the driveway after you wash your car?
Why does the type of plant you use matter? The plants you place in and around your home have a direct impact on your water bill and on water consumption/conservation. Houston is in “Zone 9” when it comes to the Planting Hardiness Zone.
A water line is leaking on Olive Tree Ct. In order to repair the damaged line, a portion of the water system will need to be isolated starting at 9 AM.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Graffiti and vandalism can cost the district (as well as tax payers) over time due to the cleanup and repairs required after damage occurs.
We all know taxes can be a headache. Tax rates, deadlines, exemptions, where do you start? Here are some tips on calculating taxes to make taxes a little easier this year specific to Harris County.
What is F.O.G.? We all know what Thanksgiving means. Family, togetherness, and lots of food. Fat, Oil, and Grease clogs are byproducts of cooking.
How do you winterize your home? Protecting your home can be as easy as remembering the Five P’s for the winter.
Did you know? As a resident of Harris County Municipal Utility District 391 you have access to free vacation watches by Harris County Precinct 4.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The North Harris County Regional Water Authority is immediately terminating Stage 1 of its' Drought Contingency Plan. Because HC391 is in the boundaries of NHCRWA, we will also terminate stage 1.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Outdoor water use shall be prohibited between the hours of 6:oo a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 12:00 am (midnight). Water customers are requested to practice water conservation and to minimize or discontinue non-essential water uses.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Residents on Lakeside View Way may experience a loss of water service due to scheduled water line repairs beginning Thursday, September 21st from 7:30 am till noon.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Special District officials are concerned about the increase in unplanned wastewater facility repairs and the associated sharp rise in overall sewer costs. If you are a resident within a MUD, please do your part to minimize expenses and preserve the efficiency and integrity of your MUD’s sewer system. Remember: Protect the pipes, don’t flush the wipes!
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
We are happy to announce our new website is now live! Please take a few minutes to look around and familiarize yourself with the district.
The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391 (HCMUD 391) Board of Directors will be having a public meeting to discuss district matters. Members of the public may participate.
Cypress Creek Pest Control will be placing rodent traps around each of the lakes on January 16, 2023. Please do not remove or touch the traps.
In observance of Thanksgiving, there will be no service on Thursday, November 25th. Trash collection will resume on the next scheduled service day.
The District has implemented an email and text alert system for the residents of Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 391.
In response to the continuing effects of the Coronavirus and in observance of our employee’s safety, we are asking that all waste be placed in plastic bags and tied off to avoid any direct contact with the garbage.
The District’s water supply is not connected to or affected by the City of Houston water outage. The District is NOT under a boil water notice.
The HARRIS COUNTY M.U.D. #391 will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2019 on October 14, 2019 @12:00pm at 3200 Southwest Freeway, Ste. 2600, Houston, TX 77027.